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SPOILER WARNING: Second Formic War plot details follow.

The Rings was a space station consisting of massive ring-shaped structures encircling the Formic scout ship.[1]

Design and Appearance[]

The Rings consisted of several structures that rotated around the kilometer-long scout ship. The station's purpose was to be a research facility, dedicated to learning about the Formics and their technology. The main focus was to discover a way to penetrate the Hulmat that formed the hull of the scout ship. [1]

Inside The Rings were facilities like an observation deck, mess hall, offices, and quarters.[1]

The Rings extended inside the scout ship as well. The area that formerly held the "garden" environment that contained flora and fauna from the Formic Homeworld had been wiped out by the gamma plasma in the First Invasion, and was converted into a testing ground and observation area.[1]



After the end of the First Formic War, Juke Limited obtained possession of the scout ship due to salvage law. Over the next three years, Juke constructed The Rings in order to research the Formics and Hulmat. Richard Dublin was appointed by the new CEO of Juke, Lem Jukes, as the chief engineer of the Hulmat research project. By 84 BX, The Rings were completed.[1]

The Swarm[]

After hitting a brick wall in the Hulmat research, Juke hired Wilasanee Saowaluk to look into alternative penetration methods and brought in Noloa Benyawe from another project to work on Hulmat at The Rings. The two developed the NanoCloud, a swarm of nanobots that could unravel the Formic hull.[1]

Lem, Dublin, Benyawe, and Wila met to test the NanoCloud at the Garden. To avoid the risk of being exposed to the vacuum of space if the hull was unraveled, the group moved to a secondary room with an observation window. After an unsuccessful first test, a temporary deployment system was made and the nanobots were deployed again. Though it took longer than expected, the NanoCloud began to unravel the Hulmat.[1]


