Ender's Game Wiki
SPOILER WARNING: "The Polish Boy" plot details follow.

Sillain was a colonel in the International Fleet and was responsible for testing children for the Battle School program.[1] He was first introduced in "The Polish Boy".


The Polish Boy[]

After Captain Helena Rudolf went to the Wieczorek family's house in Poland to test their sons, she encountered John Paul Wieczorek who despite being not even 6 showed amazing aptitude for the Battle School test, and Helena displayed her excitement. She met up with Sillain afterward where he denounced her for showing her excitement and stated that he believed women should not do testing because of such emotions. Helena brushed it off. Sillain said that it would be ironic if the commander of the fleet turned out to be the seventh child of noncompliant parents. Helena told Sillain to come see John Paul when he turned six.[1]

On his sixth birthday, Sillain and Helena went back to John Paul's house to test him again. Sillain asked John Paul a question but he answered in Polish. When he continued to do so, Sillain got up and began to leave. When Helena came over, John Paul spoke to her in Common. John Paul explained that he did not want to be tested by a man who thought his family was scum. Helena explained that he had to speak Common, and that even she was German and Sillain was Finnish, and that nobody spoke Finnish anymore, not even Finns. John Paul's father entered the room and told him to do what they asked. John Paul said he would answer Sillain's questions if Helena stayed.[1]

Later, they gathered with a dozen experts and military leaders in a conference room in Berlin, and they all were blown away by John Paul's ability. Hyrum Graff explained that although his score was not the very best, his negotiating ability impressed him. Jawaharlal Chamrajnagar said that it showed the wisdom of opening Battle School to noncompliant nations, but he noted the problem that there was no indication that the boy was willing to go. As they understood that they needed to convince his family, Chamrajnagar suggested that Helena be the one to do the job. As they debated more, Chamrajnagar received information from the Polemarch that they should bring in John Paul, as time was growing short before the Fleet arrived at the Formic Homeworld. The group affirmed that Graff and Helena should be the ones to convince him to come to Battle School.[1]



  • Sillain was from Finland.[1]



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International Fleet
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