Ender's Game Wiki

The Tender Rescue Assault Craft (TRAC), more commonly referred to as the Selenop or informally as the "flying spider", was a vessel used to rescue International Fleet marines.[1]

Design and Function[]

The selenop was a small vessel used to rush into a battle to extract marines in need of a quick rescue. It used six anchor arms to attach to a landing surface, which resembled a spider and earned it the nickname "flying spider".[1]


During the Second Formic War, the Kandahar, an International Fleet warship, was attacked in the outer rim of the Belt after releasing a recon drone. Two months later, the drone returned to the ship, and Mazer Rackham, Bingwen, and Nak were sent to the Kandahar via selenop to recover the drone and its intel. The selenop was modified for the long-distance flight.[1]


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International Fleet
Polemarchs: Polemarch Khudabadi Ketkar  •  Polemarch Averbach  •  Polemarch Jawaharlal Chamrajnagar  •  Polemarch Bakossi Wuri
Strategoi: Strategos Yulian Robinov  •  Strategos Shimon Levy  •  Strategos Julian Delphiki
High-ranking Officers: Major Anderson  •  Admiral Andrew Wiggin  •  Captain Dimak  •  Rear Admiral Fareed Zembassi  •  Captain Helena Rudolf  •  Admiral Hinckley Brown  •  Captain Hong  •  Colonel Hyrum Graff  •  Major Imbu  •  Colonel Jarrko Kitunen  •  Colonel Chin Li  •  Captain Mangold  •  Admiral Mazer Rackham  •  Colonel Michio Soshi  •  Admiral Quincy Morgan  •  Rear Admiral Shongwe  •  Colonel Sillain  •  Captain Uphanad  •  Colonel Urska Kaluza  •  Vice Admiral Vaganov  •  Admiral Vitaly Kolmogorov  •  Commodore Vlad das Lagrimas
Personnel: Afraima  •  Ensign Akbar  •  Lieutenant Bingwen  •  Carlotta  •  Cadet Chati  •  Sergeant Dap  •  Evenezer  •  Fernão McPhee  •  Ensign Gustaaf Rynsburger  •  Kaufman  •  Maria Rafaella Ochoa  •  Lieutenant Mustafa Shambhani  •  Nardelli  •  Lieutenant Odd Oddson  •  Lieutenant Prem Chamrajnagar  •  Lieutenant Commander Reginald Ravenshaw  •  Rimas  •  Sel Menach
Groups: Second Formic War Characters  •  Ender Quintet Characters  •  Shadow Saga Characters
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Ships: Bajovnik  •  Condor  •  Gagak  •  IFcoltrans1  •  Vandalorum  •  Tikari  •  Selenop  •  LX-40