Ender's Game Wiki
Ender's Game Wiki
SPOILER WARNING: First Formic War plot details follow.

Quickships were special pods used by free miners and corporations in order to send their cargo to Luna.[1]

Design and Function[]

The normal use of the quickships was for transporting minerals to Luna or other facilities in the Sol System. The quickships were normally tagged in a unique way in order to identify which family, clan, or corporation the transport belonged to, in order to dole out payment to the right people.[1]


Earth Unaware[]

Victor Delgado once used a quickship to transport himself to warn Earth of the Formics. He modified the quickship with extra room and supplies along with protection to use a transport to Luna. Earlier on, Victor had also modified the quickship for carrying rescue supplies for exploring the wreckage of a Italian mining family destroyed by the Formics.[1]


