Ender's Game Wiki
SPOILER WARNING: Ender Quintet plot details follow.

The Ministry of Colonization (ColMin) was a subsection of the International Fleet that handled colonization affairs and the Dispersal Project.[1]

500 years after the Third Formic War, MinCol appeared to be a subsection of Starways Congress alongside the Interstellar Fleet and the Exploratory Service.[2]


The Ministry was given authority by the Hegemon, Strategos, and Polemarch to construct and manage exploratory, reconnaissance, and colonization ships.[3]

Along with the International Fleet, ColMin also administrated the Fleet School, an institute to train children to be explorers and colony leaders.[3]

ColMin mandated that each colony could have no more than one-fifth of its colonists from any one nation. Despite this, they bent the rules to allow 4/5 of Ganges colony to be Indian.[1]

Minister of Colonization[]

The Minister of Colonization was the head of the Ministry of Colonization, and made the main decisions in regards to the Dispersal Project. The first and only known Minister of Colonization was Hyrum Graff.[1]



After the end of the Third Formic War, the organization was created and former International Fleet colonel Hyrum Graff became the first Minister of Colonization.[1] Under Graff's wisdom, MinCol implemented the Clean-Gene policy, a ban on the propagation of genetic diseases in the colonies, making it illegal for people with genetic diseases like the Sleepless Gene to reproduce. They would be involuntarily sterilized if they refused to do so themselves, unless a 3/4 majority of the adult citizens of a colony vote to exempt the individuals involved from the law. However, the exemption was good for only one pregnancy, and only for one generation. If the child was a carrier, the child must be sterilized, and also the parents after the child is born.[4]

Starways Congress Era[]

In the era of Starways Congress, the Ministry of Colonization administered colonies that had been granted continuing status, but were not yet independent members of the Hundred Worlds.[2]

MinCol seems to have later been dissolved and incorporated directly into Starways Congress, as the organization was not mentioned as the administrator of non-independent colony worlds such as Path and Lusitania.[5][6]

