Ender's Game Wiki

This is a list of currency in the Enderverse, ordered by their use in the Timeline.


During the First and Second Formic Wars, Credits were used as currency.[1][2]


Sometime after the end of the Second Formic War,[2] a currency based on the American dollar became the official currency.[3]

In A War of Gifts: An Ender Story, Theresa Wiggin placed a "five dollar coin" in a stocking as a Christmas present for Ender Wiggin. Peter Wiggin mentioned that the five dollar piece was also called a nickel, the name a for a "long disused coin", thus implying that the currency in this time was no longer in the same as of present day.[4]

In Speaker for the Dead, Andrew Wiggin bought a starship from a resident of Gales for 40 billion dollars.[5]

Sels and Vits[]

Around 43-44 AX, Ender Wiggin as governor of Shakespeare worked to create a currency for the planet. Abra Tolo figured out how to adapt an oil press to make a coin stamper, and one of the chemists came up with an alloy that would not shed gold as the coins passed from hand to hand. The smallest denomination coin had a picture of Vitaly Kolmogorov on it, and the other coin had a picture of Sel Menach. Sel insisted that Kolmogorov get the cheaper coin, as "you always give the greatest man the smallest denomination". Instead of calling the coins "fives" and "ones," they became "sels" and "vits".[6]

Ender wrestled with trying to set a value for the coins relative to the international dollar of the Hegemony, but his sister Valentine Wiggin stopped him and told him to let it find its own value.[6]


In "The Investment Counselor", the Firenzette was the official currency of Sorelledolce, but did not seem to have much value, if any, on other planets.[7]

1 Firenzette was equal to 0.001482 Starcounts.[7]


In "The Investment Counselor", the Starcount was stated to be the official currency of the Hundred Worlds.[7]

1 Starcount was equal to 674.76 Firenzettes.[7]

