The LX-40 was an assault ship used by the International Fleet during the Second Formic War.[1]
Design and Function[]
The LX-40 was a new model of ship created during the Second Formic War. It had immaculate walls and floors and shining fixtures, and smelled new and un-used. It was shielded and faster than most other ships, and was said to be "faster than the sun."[1]
During the Second Formic War, the pirate Khalid attacked and scuttled a mining ship in the Kuiper Belt, and sent a distress signal to a nearby LX-40. After taking him on board, Khalid killed the guard outside his room and used the helm's holotable to eject most of the crew from the airlocks. He then killed the survivors, coincidently finishing with the captain, an American.[1]
Khalid's ship, the Shimbir, later arrived, and the LX-40 was gutted of its drive system, holotable, life support, and shield generator.[1]