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SPOILER WARNING: Ender Quintet and Shadow Saga plot details follow.

This article is about the Polemarch of the International Fleet. You may be looking for his relative.

Jawaharlal Chamrajnagar was the Polemarch of the International Fleet, as well as the head of Command School.[2] He was first introduced in Ender's Game.


The Polish Boy[]

In 34 BX, Chamrajnagar worked for the office of the Polemarch and acted as his representative. After Helena Rudolf and Sillain found a young Polish boy named John Paul Wieczorek who showed exceptional potential for Battle School, they presented their findings to a conference in Berlin. Chamrajnagar said that it showed the wisdom of opening Battle School to noncompliant nations, but he noted the problem that there was no indication that the boy was willing to go. As they understood that they needed to convince his family, Chamrajnagar suggested that Helena be the one to do the job. As they debated more, Chamrajnagar received information from the Polemarch that they should bring in John Paul, as time was growing short before the Fleet arrived at the Formic Homeworld. The group affirmed that Graff and Helena should be the ones to convince him to come to Battle School.[6]

Ender's Game[]

Around the time of the Third Formic War, Chamrajnagar had become an Admiral in the fleet, and was in charge of Command School on Eros. Shortly after Ender Wiggin's victory, the Russian Polemarch attempted a coup in a conflict that became known as the League War,[2] and later had to step down. Around a year after the end of the war, Chamrajnagar had given Ender the rank of Admiral due to his victory. Shortly after this Chamrajnagar was promoted to Polemarch, and he sent an email to Admiral Quincy Morgan asking him to be the captain of the colony ship carrying Ender Wiggin to the first colony.[3]

Shortly before the first colony ship departed, there was a ceremony where Chamrajnagar gave Ender the highest medal the International Fleet could offer. However, Chamrajnagar was eager for the starship carrying Ender to go away so he would not have to be overshadowed by a boy. He then went to the observation station to have a photo taken of the ship leaving with himself in the forefront.[3]

Shadow of the Hegemon[]

During his time as Polemarch, Peter Wiggin discovered Chamrajnagar's Polnet account, and attempted to advise him on matters of Russian expansionism (the former Polemarch was Russian), the gradual collapse of the Hegemony, and the possibility of greater war. Most importantly, Peter informed Chamrajnagar on how Battle School graduates could easily become the world's greatest military assets. Also, Peter asked the I.F. to shift its policy from neutral to reactive or even proactive, in order to ensure the safety of Battle School graduates. Chamrajnagar, infuriated, threatened to reveal the identities of Locke and Demosthenes if Peter continued to try to interfere. When Wiggin's predictions were proven accurate, however, he arranged for Hyrum Graff to pass on his apologies.[1]

When India and Pakistan signed their historic non-aggression pact, Chamrajnagar planned to resign from the IF and return to his native homeland. However, Peter Wiggin stepped in, with information that, by the time Chamrajnagar could return, Chinese forces would have swept over India. Peter persuaded him not to come back to Earth, and later reappointed Chamrajnagar as Polemarch.[1]

Ender in Exile[]

Shortly before his retirement sometime before 41 AX, Chamrajnagar warned Graff that there was some risk that Quincy Morgan would misunderstand the limited nature of his responsibilities upon reaching Shakespeare, and that he should be informed of his limits. He was succeeded by Bakossi Wuri as Polemarch.[3]


Chamrajnagar was shown to be a vain man; capable but equally interested in advancing his career as doing what was best for the Fleet or his subordinates.[2]


  • He is portrayed by Tony Mirrcandani in Ender's Game (Film).[4]
  • Jawaharlal Chamrajnagar was related in some way to Prem Chamrajnagar, but their exact relation is not known.[5]
  • Known Email Addresses:
    • chamrajnagar%%@ifcom.gov[3]
    • chamrajnagar%polemarch@ifcom.gov/centcom[3]


"Eventually, ALL the central staff will be star voyagers. They will look down their noses at anyone who has NOT taken decades-long flights between stars. They will have cut themselves loose from Earth's timeline. They will know each other by their logs, transmitted by ansible. What I'm offering you is the only possible source of career-making voyages: colony ships."
Ender in Exile, Chapter 4


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International Fleet
Polemarchs: Polemarch Khudabadi Ketkar  •  Polemarch Averbach  •  Polemarch Jawaharlal Chamrajnagar  •  Polemarch Bakossi Wuri
Strategoi: Strategos Yulian Robinov  •  Strategos Shimon Levy  •  Strategos Julian Delphiki
High-ranking Officers: Major Anderson  •  Admiral Andrew Wiggin  •  Captain Dimak  •  Rear Admiral Fareed Zembassi  •  Captain Helena Rudolf  •  Admiral Hinckley Brown  •  Captain Hong  •  Colonel Hyrum Graff  •  Major Imbu  •  Colonel Jarrko Kitunen  •  Colonel Chin Li  •  Captain Mangold  •  Admiral Mazer Rackham  •  Colonel Michio Soshi  •  Admiral Quincy Morgan  •  Rear Admiral Shongwe  •  Colonel Sillain  •  Captain Uphanad  •  Colonel Urska Kaluza  •  Vice Admiral Vaganov  •  Admiral Vitaly Kolmogorov  •  Commodore Vlad das Lagrimas
Personnel: Afraima  •  Ensign Akbar  •  Lieutenant Bingwen  •  Carlotta  •  Cadet Chati  •  Sergeant Dap  •  Evenezer  •  Fernão McPhee  •  Ensign Gustaaf Rynsburger  •  Kaufman  •  Maria Rafaella Ochoa  •  Lieutenant Mustafa Shambhani  •  Nardelli  •  Lieutenant Odd Oddson  •  Lieutenant Prem Chamrajnagar  •  Lieutenant Commander Reginald Ravenshaw  •  Rimas  •  Sel Menach
Groups: Second Formic War Characters  •  Ender Quintet Characters  •  Shadow Saga Characters
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Ships: Bajovnik  •  Condor  •  Gagak  •  IFcoltrans1  •  Vandalorum  •  Tikari  •  Selenop  •  LX-40