Ender's Game Wiki
SPOILER WARNING: First Formic War plot details follow.

The Heavy Equipment Recovery Copter (HERC) was a helicopter-like aircraft designed by Juke Limited.[1]

Design and Function[]

The HERC was a low-flying aircraft designed to rush into hostile territory to extract troops, vehicles, or supplies as quickly as possible. It did not have a lot of firepower, but was heavily armored.[1]

The HERC was the first gravity-lensing aircraft. It utilized Gravitics for the purpose of flight, and adjusted the gravity waves based on direction of flight. In case the gravity lenses failed, the HERC had extra rotor blades that could deploy in 0.3 seconds; however, the blades would likely be ineffective because the HERC often flew close to the ground. The HERC was also equipped with large emergency chutes as an alternative to rotor blades.[1]

The HERC had a gunnery dome on the bottom side which could maneuver in any direction. Extendable bumper bars protected the gunnery bubble when the HERC was carrying a payload.[1]


Earth Afire[]

The HERC was a gravity-lensing military aircraft invented by Juke Limited, and was meant to be sold to various countries such as China and New Zealand. Heinrich Burnzel was the one of the sales representatives who sold the product for Juke Limited. Since New Zealand could not compete with buyers like China or the U.S., they agreed to train the Chinese to fly the HERC (and be trained in the Chinese drill sledges) in return for a few HERCs. Mazer Rackham, Reinhardt, Patu, and Fatani, all soldiers of the New Zealand Special Air Service (NZSAS), were some of the first to fly the HERC.[1]

Rackham and his team were assigned to China as part of the deal between China and New Zealand. When the Formic landers landed in southeast China, they used a HERC for reconnaissance and to rescue survivors. The HERC was later shot down by Formic fighters, killing everyone except Rackham, who was saved by Bingwen.[1]

Earth Awakens[]

During the war, three armored spearhead dozers were deployed to clear the road for a convoy to travel to Dragon's Den, a Chinese military bunker. The dozers were attacked and destroyed by Formics, as well as the armored vehicle sent to rescue the only surviving pilot. Mazer Rackham, Wit O'Toole, and Captain Shenzu carried a dozer via HERC to clear the remaining five kilometers of wreckage.[1]

Shortly after, over sixty transports launched from the Formic Scout Ship, one of which was headed towards Dragon's Den. Using the HERC, the team grabbed the transport and flipped it upside-down to remove its gravity, causing it to deactivate its shields. During the ensuing battle, the transport was destroyed and the HERC's computers heavily damaged. Rackham deployed the emergency chutes one at a time to stabilize the HERC enough for the rotor blades to deploy, allowing for a rough but successful landing. The HERC was damaged beyond repair, and the team was forced to abandon it, though not reluctantly due to the harrowing flight.[1]


