Ender's Game Wiki
SPOILER WARNING: Ender Quintet plot details follow.

The Egg Drive was a device that manipulated the strong force field dynamics to enable lightspeed travel.[1]

Design and Function[]

The Egg Drive was crystalline in substance and ovoid in shape, and came to a sharp point at the back. The field generated by the device would take all the molecules and objects it ran into in the direction of movement and use the nuclear strong force to make them move in a uniform direction at lightspeed. When turned on, the crystal ball-shaped field goes up and the leading edges start colliding with molecules and tearing them up. The atoms were channeled along the field and they all emerge at the trailing point, creating an incredible amount of thrust.[1]

The Egg also created an anti-gravity, or anti-inertial field.[1]



The Egg Drive was first created by the Formics to enable lightspeed travel. In the aftermath of the Second Formic War, Humans examined the deserted Formic ships and discovered the Egg Drive. The first time one was turned on, an International Fleet cruiser was incorporated into the field and turned into its constituent molecules because it was docked with the Formic ship that had the Egg. The men on the Formic ship jumped halfway across the solar system and had to make a clever way to attract the attention of rescuers.[1]

The tech was soon incorporated into Human starships as they sent fleets to the Formic worlds to take the war to them. Over the years, humans refined the tech of the Egg Drive, enabling faster and closer to lightspeed travel.[2]


  • The Egg Drive was called as such due to its ovoid shape.[1]


