Ender's Game Wiki
SPOILER WARNING: Ender Quintet and The Last Shadow plot details follow.

Detouring, also known as instantaneous travel or faster-than-light travel, was an ability first discovered by the sentient computer Jane, who realized that with her massive bandwith from the billions of computers she controlled, she was able to move an object Outside of the universe and back within.[1] The concept was originally known by a variety of terms but eventually was given the name Detouring by Petra 'Little Mum' Delphiki.[2]

Jane was, at the time, the only one capable of this, as the amount of processing power needed to know completely the molecular makeup of an object to keep it intact Inside and Outside was immense.[1] Eventually, however, it was found that one possessing a strong enough Aiúa could also use this ability, as they knew themself well enough to remain intact, on a subconscious level. One using the Aiúa method would be able to bring others with them as long as the Philotic connection between them was strong enough. They could also bring objects, and even other creatures, which were in physical contact with them.[2]

The Hive Queen of Shakespeare later explained to Jane that very few posssessed an Aiúa strong enough to Detour. The power came readily to the Leguminids and a few others, however most would be unable to bring anything other than themselves through.[2]

This ability allowed for, essentially, teleportation across the universe to anywhere the user desired. Most notably it was used during the threat of the Second Xenocide to evacuate thousands of Humans, Pequeninos, and Formics to a variety of newly found habitable planets to avoid destruction by the Lusitania Fleet.[1]

Those who had the ability to Detour themselves were called Detourers or Travelers.[2]

