Ender's Game Wiki

There are many inconsistencies and contradictions in Enderverse material. In order to present a consistent view of Enderverse events and history, a special interpretation of canon material has been created for use on the wiki.

Order of Superiority[]

As Orson Scott Card dislikes reviewing his past work,[1] canon material often contradicts each other. For the purpose of presenting a consistent view of Enderverse events and history, a order of canon material superiority has been created for use on this wiki. The order is as follows:

  1. Official comments
  2. Novels
  3. Short stories
  4. Comics
  5. Companion and reference books

If older canon material is contradicted by a newer release, the new release is automatically a higher canon. This perspective is also reflected by Card himself.

If canon material does not supply a visual for a character/location/event/technology/etc., non-canon material can instead be used on articles if it depicts something that follows canon. The order of superiority in non-canon visuals is as follows:

  1. Movies
  2. Comic books
  3. Manga



The novels are the backbone of the Enderverse. Everything, everyone, and any events or information found in the novels are canon, unless they are later contradicted by another canon story.

Short stories[]

There are 16 short stories in the Enderverse, but many have been republished with minor edits in novels. However, there are certain short stories that are not republished (or have significant portions that are not republished) and are considered canon on this wiki. The list of canon short stories consists of:

Comic Books[]

Most Enderverse comics are merely adaptations of preexisting material, however a select few include content that is not found elsewhere in the series, making them Canon according to the Wiki's guidelines.

Official comments[]

Some comments from the authors of Enderverse material (Orson Scott Card, Aaron Johnston, and Jake Black) can straighten out contradictions, or give information not included in other canon material. These are considered canon by the wiki.

Companion and reference books[]

Reference/companion books are useful resources for readers of the Enderverse, such as The Authorized Ender Companion. The Ender Companion lists and describes various characters, events, and locations from canon material as a reference, however some of the information supplied contains inaccuracies and contradicts other canon material. Therefore, this section of the Ender Companion is non-canon, as it supplies no new information and conflicts with other material.

However, the Ender Companion also contains other sections with new information supplied by Orson Scott Card, such as Battle School Slang, The Look of the Formics, The History of Hyrum Graff, and Mazer Rackham’s Spaceship. Since the book is authorized by Card, and he uses the book as his own reference, and the new information comes directly from him, the information found in these sections are considered canon.



Movie adaptations of Enderverse stories, like Ender's Game (Film), are not canon on this wiki due to the fact that there are numerous changes and contradictions between the film and canon material. Visuals from the movies may be used on articles as long as they depict something canon.

Short stories[]

Some short stories have been later republished or otherwise incorporated into canon novels with minor changes; this renders the original short stories non-canon. The list of non-canon short stories consists of:


While visuals from the comics may be used on articles as long as they depict something canon, most comics deviate greatly from the story they are adapting and thus are considered non-canon, with few exceptions.


The Ender's Game manga is not canon on the wiki, however visuals from the manga may be used on articles as long as they depict something canon.

Companion and reference books[]

Reference/companion books are useful resources for readers of the Enderverse, such as The Authorized Ender Companion. The Ender Companion lists and describes various characters, events, and locations from canon material as a reference, however some of the information supplied contains mistakes and contradicts with canon material. Therefore, this section of the Ender Companion is non-canon, as it supplies no new information and contradicts with other material.

However, the Ender Companion contains other sections with new information supplied by Orson Scott Card, such as Battle School Slang, The Look of the Formics, The History of Hyrum Graff, Ender and Valentine's Travels, and Mazer Rackham’s Spaceship. Since the book is authorized by Card, and he uses the book as his own reference, and the new information comes directly from him, the information found in these sections are considered canon.


  1. The Last Shadow Acknowledgements